Registered Agent/CRA Manager: Amy Bohannon
The Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) is a public entity created by the City of High Springs in 1986 to implement the community redevelopment activities outlined under Chapter 163 and Chapter 189, Florida Statutes. The CRA Board is composed of the elected city commissioners. Each year, the board elects a Chair and a Vice-Chair.
The mission of the CRA is to bring about the economic revitalization of an established target area, to create a re-investment environment that attracts private investors into the area, to promote improvements within the redevelopment area through renovation and restoration of buildings as well as to new construction. The mission is also to acquire the funding necessary to make the infrastructure improvements necessary to attract investment dollars and improve the assessed taxable value of district properties, and to assist the Chamber of Commerce and downtown merchants in their efforts to market the downtown businesses.
The CRA has jurisdiction over an area known as the Community Redevelopment District. This District is located in the core of downtown High Springs. The CRA is funded through a mechanism known as tax increment financing (TIF). TIF is a unique tool available to the City of High Springs for redevelopment and the implementation of the adopted Plan.
Property values in the Community Redevelopment District are capped or frozen at the assessed value for a particular base year. The Base year is 1986 for the High Springs CRA. Thereafter, any tax revenues due to increases in value in excess of the base are dedicated to the redevelopment area. The generated revenue is known as TIF, and the funds come from the citizens and businesses in the district through the taxes paid to Alachua County and the City of High Springs.
The CRA District is approximately 122.897 acres.
Tax increment financing was originally developed over 30 years as a method to meet the local match requirements of federal grant programs. With the reduction in federal funds available for local projects, tax increment financing is standing evermore on its own as a method to finance local redevelopment efforts.
Tax increment financing is used in the City of High Springs’ Community Redevelopment District to leverage the City’s redevelopment efforts and to assist in the implementation of the High Springs Main Street Program.
The CRA operates from an October 1 to September 30 Fiscal Year. The current budget can be found by clicking here.
View the High Springs CRA Strategic Plan here.
Applicable State Statutes and Regulatory Information
Chapter 163, Part III, Community Redevelopment