CRA Residential Facade Grant Now Open

If you live in the CRA District and are considering renovations on the outside of your home, you may be eligible for a Residential Façade Grant. Click below for more information and to apply!

Police Department

Police Badge Wall Mural


The mission of the High Springs Police Department is to enhance the quality of life in the City of High Springs by working in partnership with the community. We will preserve the peace and uphold the law within the framework of the United States Constitution. Our mandate is to operate with honor and integrity, while at all times conducting ourselves with the highest ethical standards, accountability, and transparency to maintain public confidence.


The vision of the High Springs Police Department is to be regarded by our community as a professional, proactive, and premier law enforcement agency providing assistance and support as needed in a respectful and helpful manner. The High Springs Police Department strives to set a “HIGHER” standard in law enforcement by providing exceptional service to all citizens and training our Officers to the highest standard. 


We are committed to valuing the community we serve and meeting the community’s needs while working together to build and maintain channels of communication between the community and ourselves. We hold ourselves accountable and are committed to providing courteous police service with respect for the rights and dignity of all the people we serve. This badge we wear as a symbol of honor, protection, professionalism, integrity, and most of all, service to the people. Upon these values, we build our foundation and will not be moved.



On May 25, 2022, Presidential Executive Order (EO) 14074 “Advancing Effective, Accountable Policing and Criminal Justice Practices to Enhance Public Trust and Public Safety” was signed.

In accordance with EO 14074 (Section 12), State, Tribal, local, and Territorial Law Enforcement agencies (LEAs) must:

  • Notify their Civilian Governing Body (CGB) (i.e., City Council, County Government or other local governing body) of its intent to request property from Federal sources (to include Federal funds or grants).

  • Notify the Local Community of its request for property transfers, purchases from Federal funds, agencies or subcontractors (including existing transfer contracts or grants).

The High Springs Police Department currently does not have any intended requests from the Law Enforcement Support Office (LESO), or other Federal sources.